August 2014 – Pastor Eric’s Letter

Dear friends,

Over the past year at Circle of Faith we thought about who we are.  We reflected on images like a royal priesthood, a holy nation and God’s own people.  This year we are going to take the next step and consider the question, what do we do?  This question really has two parts.  First, what does God intend for us to do?  After all, God called us out of the darkness into his marvelous light for a reason.  Second, what are we actually doing as congregations and as a parish and as families and individuals.  How do these two things line up with each other?

Here’s what the first Christians did after Jesus ascended and left them with one another and the Holy Spirit:  “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer.” … “All the believers were together and had everything in common.  Selling their possessions and goods they gave to anyone as he had need.”  (Acts 2:42,44,45)

To me it is quite impressive that after all these generations and the many changes in the world and in cultures and in life styles these exact same things are at the core of our Christian being: teaching/preaching/studying (from the Bible, which is the apostles’ teaching), fellowship, prayer, holy communion and giving to those who are in need.

Just some opening thoughts is all.

Have a great August, soak up some heat for the winter.

Pastor Eric