January 2015 – Pastor Anthony’s Letter

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

In January we begin another new year, 2015 years after our savior’s birth! We also begin a new season of the church year, Epiphany, and we direct our focus onto a new word, FELLOWSHIP. With three new things in January (2015, Epiphany, and Fellowship), what greater way to begin and celebrate these new things than with a party!

Epiphany is the season of the church that follows Christmas. There are 12 days of Christmas, which begin on December 25 and conclude with the 12th day of Christmas being January 5th. Epiphany then begins on January 6th. Traditionally, the last night of Christmas (January 5th) is the night to remove the Christmas decorations in homes and churches. Unfortunately, so many businesses want to jump to the next holiday (Valentine’s Day) rather than celebrating Christmas for all 12 days of it.

After the Church celebrates Christmas for 12 days, then we continue the celebration with the coming of the Magi (the Wise Men). Epiphany is the season of light, anointing and commissioning. During this season we hear texts that declare Jesus as the light of the world (shining in the darkness). We also hear texts about Christ being anointed, baptized and proclaimed at Christ to the world. And we also hear texts about Jesus calling and commissioning his first disciples. Epiphany is certainly a time to celebrate for the promised Christ has come and calls each one of us to shine his light in the darkness of this world. But we cannot fulfill this calling on our own, we need help from others. This is why in January we will be focusing on FELLOWSHIP. Fellowship means a friendly association with people who share a common interest. In Acts 2 it says, “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and fellowship…All who believed were together and had all things in common…” (Acts 2:42,44) Our common interest is that we all are part of God’s family (the Body of Christ) and we all believe that Jesus was crucified, died and was buried. Then on the third day he rose again. That is our common interest. When we gather together for fellowship, we are gathering together because of Christ Jesus and the common beliefs that we share with one another.

Throughout January (and part of February), I encourage you to look for greater opportunities for your congrega-tion and this parish to be in FELLOWSHIP with one another. This could be gathering before or after worship for coffee or gathering to share in a meal. Maybe it would be getting a group together to go ice fishing or shopping or even a playdate with parents and the young children in our congregations. If you have an idea pass it along, I’d love to hear about it!

On Sunday, January 11th we will gather as fellow brothers and sisters in Christ for fellowship. We will call it an Epiphany Party! We’ll laugh, sing, eat, play and enjoy each other’s company. Come join us on January 11th beginning at 6:00 pm at Trinity in Welcome. Plus 2 lucky guests will be crowned the king and queen of the evening. Will you be one of the lucky guests? Come and find out!

My prayer for you is that you would have a safe and happy New Year! Blessings to you in 2015!

In Christ,

Pastor Anthony