April 2014 – Pr. Anthony’s Letter

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. 

I think that we have finally turned the corner on winter. According to the calendar, spring is here! As spring comes, we see the promise of renewal come to life. The black dead or dormant is replaced with green and new life. Soon the tulips that we planted at the parsonage will begin peeking through the soil. Especially after the winter that we just went through, I think all of us are looking forward to the spring that lies ahead.

With spring comes new growth. At Circle of Faith, Pastor Eric and I have been thinking about new growth. We have been noticing and hearing the need and desire for more Bible Study opportunities. Because of our unique ministry, Sunday morning Bible Studies are challenging. So instead, we have found a different type of Bible Study that we are really excited about trying. This study actually begins each week during the regular Sunday worship service. The scripture readings and the sermon introduce the topic that will be discussed during the Bible Study. Now because of the size of our parish, we are planning on having 5 Bible Study groups meeting at different locations throughout the parish. This will hopefully decrease the drive time and make committing to the study easier. 4 of the 5 small groups will be hosted and led by people in their homes. The fifth small group will meet online through Facebook and I will lead that group. If you are interested in hosting and/or leading a small group please talk to Pastor Eric or myself. There will be handouts that will clearly layout how to lead the study. Minimal prep time will be required.

Pastor Eric and I are very excited to introduce this new Bible Study titled “God’s Own People”. It is a study that works through 1 Peter. This is only a 5 week Bible Study that has the introduction to the week each Sunday followed by a meeting sometime during the week in a small group. If you are not already in a Bible Study group and would like to be in one, please consider committing to this new study for 5 weeks. And if you already are in a Bible Study group through WELCA, Women’s Circle, or Men’s Garage, you are still welcome to attend this study as well. Signup sheets for the small groups will be available in all three churches in April. The study begins on Sunday, April 27th (the Sunday after Easter) and continues through the month of May.

When we think of spring, we think of Easter, new life and new growth. So during the 50 days of the Season of Easter this year, why not focus on growing and strengthening our relationship with God? Af-ter all, we are God’s Own People, right?

In Christ,
Pastor Anthony