March 2014 – Pr. Eric Midthun’s Letter

Lent is that time of year that the Church has set aside for us to prepare for the celebration of Jesus’ death and resurrection. What would be a helpful way to prepare for this pivotal event?

How do we prepare for anything (a trip or a game or a project or Spring or Winter or Summer)? One thing we have to do is think about it. Our theme this year is, “Beneath the Cross of Jesus”, based on the hymn with that title. It will give us an opportunity to think about the cross as a shadow and a mighty rock and a home in the wilderness.

Being prepared for Good Friday and Easter would also have something to do with our hearts, not just our thoughts. Some Christians have done this by giving up something they like during Lent. We are going to help you do that. You will have to give up worshiping at your favorite home church building some Wednesday evenings during Lent since we are going to take turns and have joint services. This will help us realize what God has given up for us.

We are always more prepared for something when we are thankful, even joyful. What better way to be thankful and joyful for the gift of salvation than to have fellowship with one another and especially with one another from our partner congregations. Thankful for being a part of Circle of Faith, for the opportunity to do something new with new people for the sake of holding up the message of God’s love and grace a little higher, of shaking out some salt and letting our light shine.

Pastor Eric