October 2014 – Pastor Eric’s Letter

Dear friends, “All day long the wicked covet, but the righteous give and do not hold back.” (Proverbs 21:26)

Sometimes it seems like there are two types of people. Some feel fortunate and are thankful and generous while others feel unfortunate and not thankful and covet what others have instead of being generous with what they have. What is the difference? The author of this proverb simply describes one as a righteous person and the other as wicked. Of course things are not that black and white, perhaps there is a continuum. I know for myself that I have both these tendencies and the difference is usually how grateful I am feeling.

In a sermon once I quoted Martin Luther where he said we should keep whatever we need to care for our   family and all the rest was to be given away, shared. The Ladies Aid at there meeting later that week vetoed the sermon because then no one would try to get ahead and work hard and try to be successful. They may have been right. In any case it is true that in our economic system, we are encouraged to be envious rather than generous because that will help the economy. So, it is tough to share. It takes some work to be able to resist all these messages.

But, sharing is at the core of our life together as God’s family. It is our ‘family values’. So, what are you     thankful for? What has been given to you?

Thanks, Pastor Eric