October 2015 – Pastor Anthony’s Letter

Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Saved by Grace, Gathered in Faith, Called to Serve.” Where have you seen/heard that phrase before? Hopefully you said that is the mission statement for Circle of Faith. It is also the words that circle the cross in our Circle of Faith logo. Have you ever stopped to think about these three short phrases?

Saved by Grace

This line is first in our mission statement because, we are first and foremost saved by grace through the waters of our baptisms. We were saved before we could do anything to earn it. Grace simply means a free gift from God. Our       salvation, the eternal life that is promised to us is freely given not because of anything that we have or have not done,   but all because of what God has done through Jesus Christ in his crucifixion, death and resurrection. On Sunday,       October 4 the Gospel text from Mark 10:2-16 shows us exactly this grace. Jesus brings the little children to himself     and says, “Whoever does not receive the kingdom of God as a little child will never enter it.” It is through the faith       of child that grace comes pouring in.

Gathered in Faith

This life is not always easy, and many of you know this all too well. From cancer and heart attacks, to accidents and alcohol/drug abuse – this life is challenging, difficult and feels nearly impossible at times. Even though we know that we have been saved by grace and carry with us the promises of the resurrection, we still often forget about these       promises and try to face this challenging life alone. This is why we Gathering in Faith. We gather with other believers, centered around God’s Word at the weekly worship services, around the altar for Holy Communion, during Bible     studies, and around the coffee table for socializing, support for one another and to grow in our relationships with each other and with God. On Sunday, October 11 the Gospel text from Mark 10:17-31 reminds us that one our own, it is     easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God. For us, on our own, it is impossible to save ourselves and get into heaven, but for God, all things are possible. This is why we gather in faith, to support each other, pray for each other, and grow with each other.

Called to Serve

First we are saved by grace, not by any doing of our own. We then gather together in faith to be given the strength that we need to continue each week in this life. Then and only then are we able to do as Jesus commanded us, which was to go and serve our neighbors. As disciples of Jesus, members of God family, the body of Christ, we are called to serve others in Christ’s name. On Sunday, October 18 the Gospel text from Mark 10:35-45 gives us an example of what service in Christ’s name really looks like. It is not arguing amongst ourselves on who is the greatest, but rather following Jesus’ example that to be considered great means to actually be a servant to all.

And there you have it. We are Saved by Grace, Gathered in Faith, Called to Serve! I challenge you to continually   working on all three of these:

Saved by Grace: When you wake up in the morning, with your figure trace a cross on your forehead to remind yourself that you have been saved by God’ grace.

Gathered in Faith: Keep church as a priority in your life and in the life of your family. Gathering together in faith is key to our relationships with each other and with God.

Called to Serve: In your service to one another, do so with the intent of helping a fellow brother or sister in Christ, not to simply make yourself feel good or meet a requirement.

Circle of Faith, you have been SAVED BY GRACE so that you can be GATHERED IN FAITH in order that you listen to God in which you are CALLED TO SERVE.


In Christ,   Pastor Anthony